What websites and apps should I be using?
ParentSquare: https://parentsquare.com
You can access Parent Square online, but be sure to also download the app and turn on notifications. This is the first line of communication between you and your child(ren)’s teachers. Easily receive and send messages, see important information from Brooks Hill and the Fairport School District, and read the weekly Principal’s newsletter. Teacher posts are class-specific, so information and classroom photos you receive are confidential and relevant to your family.
PikMyKid: https://pikmykid.com
This is another essential website, and downloading the app is also important if possible. This is where you will be able to make changes to your child(ren)’s preferred dismissal procedure. By changing the transportation option in the morning before 11:00 am you can switch among busing (provided this is one of the options you signed up for prior to the school year,) walking, and car pick-up. You can easily set a default option as well.
Membership Toolkit: https://brookshillschoolpta.membershiptoolkit.com
Membership Toolkit is the workhorse of the PTA. It is used to purchase PTA memberships, host the online membership directory, manage volunteer sign-ups, and send emails to BH families. It is important that families re-enter information each year to be included in the directory, and to receive important information from the PTA. Please sign up and carefully enter your household information so we and your child(ren)’s friends can contact you! Download the Membership Toolkit App for easy access!
The Brooks Hill PTA Website: http://brookshillschool.my-pta.org
This website is a great go-to for PTA information including the event calendar, information and links about upcoming events, PTA meeting minutes and financial documents, and other PTA information and forms. Often, the PTA website will point you toward other sites used by the PTA, school, or district such as Membership Toolkit, ParentSquare, SchoolTool, or the Brooks Hill website.
The Brooks Hill Website: https://fairport.org/our-schools/brooks-hill-elementary-school
This website is hosted by the school and not the PTA. It includes information such as school hours, contact information, lunch menus, classroom pages, newsletters, and more.
Parent Portal: https://parents.fairport.org
Parent Portal is a website provided by the district. On this site, users can manage their contact information for the School Notification System. This system is used when the school or district administration needs to contact families to disseminate important information or to notify families of urgent events such as school closings, so it is important to keep this information up to date. Parent Portal users can also access SchoolTool, MySchoolBucks, and the staff directory.
SchoolTool: https://schooltool.fairport.org/schooltool
SchoolTool can be accessed via the ParentPortal or directly at schooltool.fairport.org. It uses the same sign in information you were assigned for ParentPortal. There is also a SchoolTool app. SchoolTool allows you to see your child(ren)’s schedule, attendance, grades/report cards, and assessments.
MySchoolBucks: https://www.myschoolbucks.com
MySchoolBucks allows families to add money to their child’s school lunch account online and track their spending. There is an associated transaction fee. MySchoolBucks can be accessed via ParentPortal or directly at myschoolbucks.com. Users will have to register for this site and create their own login information.